The Enlightenment philosophers had practically no influence on the abolition of slavery, because they were simply born too late for that.
In ‘Slavery throughout world history’, I test the course of history regarding the subject of slavery against the Bible. In doing so, I show how much influence the Bible had on the extinction and abolition of slavery.
Other factors such as social-economic power relations (see Marx) have had no significant effect on the extinction or abolition of slavery in my opinion.
The Enlightenment philosophers were simply born too late to abolish slavery in Europe, because it had already been extinguished centuries earlier from the Early Middle Ages. They were just in time to play a role in the final phase, in which the slave trade and slavery was abolished overseas in the colonies and worldwide. Other countries that still practiced slavery were forced to stop doing so. By the way, these philosophers were deeply influenced by Christian culture in which they were immersed.
E.J van Amstel
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