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In december 2024 ‘Slavery throughout world history’ has been Publishers by Aspekt. It is soon available in your store!
‘Slavery throughout world history’ is available at many bookstores. Not available at your store? We’re working on it.
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This book focuses on the influence of Judeo-Christianity on the abolition and extinction of slavery in the world.
The purpose of 'Slavery throughout world history' written by E.J van Amstel, is to provide an overview of the history of slavery.
Slavery was common from the ancient times. The fact that we live in the free West today is a miracle if you look at all of history.
In Europe, slavery died out in the Middle Ages under the influence of Christianity.
England took the lead in the abolition of slavery worldwide, after it had great difficulty in enshrining the abolition of the slave trade into law internally in 1807.
There are still 50 million slaves today in non-Western counties. How can we make the world free from slavery? More information at
The book is called 'Slavernij doorheen de wereldgeschiedenis' in Dutch and already available in bookstores in The Netherlands and Belgium or at Amazon or The English version of the book 'Slavery throughout world history' will be published soon and it will be available at your bookstore in the UK and the USA or from elsewhere you can buy a copy at Amazon.
Yes, you can invite E.J van Amstel for a lecture by sending an email to
28 nov 2024 23:29
In december 2024 ‘Slavery throughout world history’ has been Publishers by Aspekt. It is soon available in your store!
5 sep 2024 18:47
In his review in the online history Magazine ‘De Moderne Tijd’ Dr. Stoutjesdijk came up with some odd ideas. Read my response to his review here.
5 sep 2024 18:32
The Enlightenment philosophers had practically no influence on the abolition of slavery, because they were simply born too late for that.
Karel van Wijngaarden, review Aspekt publishing
E.J van Amstel wrote 'Slavery throughout world history' because she noticed that most people have no idea how deeply entrenched slavery was in most cultures and societies from the ancient times. There fore she decided to write a book about slavery and the abolition of slavery.
She studied Dutch and history in The Netherlands and she was a teacher in high school.